Latest News From Justin Sexten - Precision Animal Health

Sexten: Lessons From the Dairy Industry
Sexten: Lessons From the Dairy Industry

Since 2011, dairy cows evaluated using genetic testing has doubled every five years to exceed 1 million annually. That reduced sire generation interval to the point where genetic improvement is at the biological limit.

Sexten: Risks to Making Progress
Sexten: Risks to Making Progress

If you are risk averse—the cattle business may not be for you. It’s a business full of environmental, production and marketing challenges.

Sexten: Is Genetic Testing a Superpower?

Rather than wondering how long this market will last or when will it turn south, let’s consider opportunities to capitalize today and be prepared for tougher times when they come.

Sexten: Compromising Precision Management for Logistics
Sexten: Compromising Precision Management for Logistics

Precision animal management is an oft used term with a view toward the future state of livestock management. The challenge with precision management systems is they often lack simplicity in technology application.

Sexten: How Shade and Water Impact Performance
Sexten: How Shade and Water Impact Performance

Summertime in July means there are often two pasture requirements: shade and reliable water. There is plenty of debate whether shade is required or not in arid parts of the country as well as beyond the pasture setting.

Sexten: Rebuilding Through Technology
Sexten: Rebuilding Through Technology

Times of profitability provide excellent opportunities to reflect on what decisions we made to get here, more specifically what management practices resulted in the improving balance sheet.

Sexten: Genetic Bracketology

Nearly all market indicators suggest the time to rebuild the cow herd is here, all we need is a cooperative environment. For those turning out bulls this spring the foundation of herd rebuilding has already begun.

Sexten: Understanding the Target
Sexten: Understanding the Target

Regardless of your market segment or marketing method, the increased visibility to premiums and discounts through the cattle contract library provides further guidance as to where the packers assign value.

Sexten: Single Trait Selection for Birthdate
Sexten: Single Trait Selection for Birthdate

The replacements you keep this year may be the most expensive cows in your herd in 5 years. Is her relative birthdate the most important factor to evaluate her merit as a replacement?

Sexten: Feeding the Foundation

In a year with rising commodity prices and limited availability, strategically feeding forages may offer the best option to deliver supplemental nutrients using existing infrastructure and equipment.

Sexten: Backgrounding Options
Sexten: Backgrounding Options

How you feed backgrounded calves may affect how they perform in the feedlot. With higher cattle prices and high input prices this year it’s worth revisiting your backgrounding program.

Sexten: High Stakes Decision Making
Sexten: High Stakes Decision Making

We often consider replacements as sunk costs since they are unrealized revenue rather than out-of-pocket expenses. However, there is real opportunity cost of not putting the heifer on the truck with her steer mates.

Sexten: Sorting for Options With Thin Cows
Sexten: Sorting for Options With Thin Cows

With much of the US cow herd in some form of drought the odds of thin cows heading into weaning season are high. This month let's look at practical approaches to wrangling the challenge of dry pastures and thin cows.

The Challenge of Expensive Replacements
The Challenge of Expensive Replacements

Considering a replacement heifer is a 10+ year investment and requires 2 years of expenses without income from the day we wean her, is the survival model the best we can do?

Sexten: Past Performance to Predict Future Gain?
Sexten: Past Performance to Predict Future Gain?

Gaining a greater understanding of how your cattle development decisions impact the next phase provides context around the market signals from bidders and buyers.

The Fed Cattle Exchange, owned by Superior Livestock, sells fed cattle on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. CST.
Sexten: Making Smart Investments

From an operational perspective, what have you invested time in learning that moves your business forward? What emerging technologies have you considered or reconsidered to improve operational sustainability?

Sexten: Advancing Genetic Improvement
Sexten: Advancing Genetic Improvement

Adopting genetic improvement is one of the most consumer-friendly technologies to improve product quality and production efficiencies that we can use.

Sexten: The Great Feedstuff Debate
Sexten: The Great Feedstuff Debate

Higher grain prices raise the question of how cattle should be finished. A recent grass vs. grain discussion included the performance and economic perspectives but added an environmental evaluation.

Sexten: Operational Limits
Sexten: Operational Limits

The start of a new year offers an opportunity to reflect and plan at the same time. Many tend to use the new year as a goal setting period while others are more focused on evaluating past successes and shortcomings.