Latest News From Janette Barnard

Janette Barnard
Barnard: Meatpacking Isn't Rocket Science

For many industry stakeholders, the go-to solution seems to be more localized, regional supply chains. To these folks, the cohort of soon-to-be-built processing plants looks like a golden next era of the meat business.

Janette Barnard
Barnard: Learnings From a Rotisserie Fueled Flywheel

In production agriculture, the output is largely a commodity. But whether the output is commodity or differentiated, the system of how the output is produced matters as much as the output itself.

Janette Barnard
Barnard: RIP Plant-based Meat Mania

Is there really a massively growing market of repeat buyers for something that has even a hint of a mushy cardboard eating experience? Especially in a time when meat quality is at all-time highs.

Janette Barnard
Barnard: Minimum Viable Management Isn't Enough

Suboptimal cattle production isn't just an innocuous segment that has no effect on the rest. Poorly managed cattle are a drag on the whole system and the impacts are worsening as we look to address big challenges.

Janette Barnard
The Packers Get Standard Oil'd. Then What?

Just for fun, let's say the DOJ goes full 1911 and ‘Standard Oils’ the meat industry. The ‘Big 4’ become the ‘Midsize 22’. Then what? Janet Barnard offers insights.