Latest News From Whit Hibbard and Dawn Hnatow

Low-Stress Trailer Loading
Low-Stress Trailer Loading

As with loading out, trailer loading is another production event that can be high stress on both the animals and people, but it needn’t be that way.

Figure A. By preforming a dry run across the open scale, the animals learn the route, that there is a way out, and nothing bad will happen to them.
Scale Loading

These tips will make it not only easier on the cattle and handlers, but they will increase efficiency. Efficiency is important because scale loading delays cost by about $20 per minute in unnecessary shrink.

Squeeze Chute Work
Squeeze Chute Work

Low-stress squeeze chute operation is important because research has shown cattle that become agitated in the chute have tougher meat and more dark cutters, and up to 40% of administered vaccines won’t be effective.

Building a BudBox: Part Two
Building a BudBox: Part Two

Although the design is important, it is more important to obey the principles and operation of the BudBox. Even atypically-shaped and sized boxes can work well if the operators obey the principles and work them properly.

Naive calves effortlessly flow around the handler and up the chute because the BudBox makes our idea the animals’ idea.
Building a BudBox: Part One

Unlike the other crowd pen designs, the BudBox is unique in how it makes our idea the animals’ idea so they willing do what we want.