Latest News From winter feeding

weeds in hay
Watch for Weeds Hitchhiking in Hay

Extreme weather conditions could sprout weed problems this spring.

Editor's Notebook: Winter Feed Cost Challenge

This winter may bring cattle producers even more challenges in terms of weather and keeping winter feed costs in check.

Editor's Notebook: Winter Feed Cost Challenge

This winter may bring cattle producers even more challenges in terms of weather and keeping winter feed costs in check.

Develop Strategies to Reduce Feed Waste

Hay loss and feed waste are inevitable components of most beef production systems.

Start Planning for Winter Feeding

As hay prices continue to rise, many Midwest cattle producers are searching for cheaper alternatives to winter feeding.

Bale Feeder Choice Can Reduce Hay Waste

Researchers found that using a cone-style feeder or modified cone feeder with a sheeted bottom reduced hay waste.

French Fries in the Feedbunk

With corn prices rising, producers look at alternative feeds