Latest News From Management

Fall To-Do List for Cow/Calf Producers

Once again the brisk fall air is here, which means most cow-calf producers are busy processing and tending to new weaned calves. 

What's Your Calf Crop Percentage?

Calf Crop Percentage may be the most important production calculation that a cow/calf producer can record. 

Creating a Drylot Beef Cow/Calf Enterprise

What options are there to build the nation's cow herd or add a beef cow/calf enterprise with limited pasture that will no doubt be expensive?

BeefTalk: Now is the Time to Save Feed Costs

When feed costs are too high, consider selling the higher-maintenance cows.  

BeefTalk: I Thought I Was Doing Better Than That!

Getting a better handle on expenses involves keeping track of costs.

BeefTalk: Can Commercial Producers Afford to Sell 7-month-old Calves?

The way to maximize calf weight is knowing and controlling direct and overhead costs incurred up to weaning.

BeefTalk: Pondering Growth in the Beef Business

Weaning weight numbers imply that pounds of calf weaned off commercial cows are not increasing.  

Time to Weigh Weaned Calves Says MU Extension Specialist

Beef cow-calf producers have worked hard since that 60 to 90 pound calf hit the ground in the late winter-early spring calving season.

Evaluating Fall Weaning Decisions and Value of Gain

Calf weaning is just around the corner for most spring calving herds. 

Valuable Pocket Tool for Cattle Producers Now Available

NCBA’s 2016 Redbook Helps Ranchers Secure Efficient Recordkeeping

Economic Considerations for Early Weaning

Can weaning calves at 100 to 180 days of age be profitable? 

BeefTalk: Cost of Beef Production Up 200 Percent

One of the biggest expenses is total direct and overhead costs.

Quick Shot for Thought: It Pays to Know the Economic Value of Nutrients in Your Feedstuffs

The Feed Cost Cow-Q-Lator is used to make a comparison of the costs of feeding a representative beef cow.

Weaning Management Considerations

As fall is rapidly approaching, ranchers are taking the necessary steps to prepare for weaning. 

Wildfire Season is Here

Wildfire season is here and there’s fuel to burn.

LRP Insurance Performance 2005-2014

Price and market uncertainties pose a significant risk to cattle producers.

Is Early Weaning the Right Decision for You?

Early weaning is a management strategy that can alleviate grazing pressure on pastures.

Pregnancy Diagnosis Options for Beef Cattle Producers

There is more than one way to make sure your cows are pregnant.

BeefTalk: Biosecurity Confessions

I must confess some consternation with this expectation of restrictions such as protective boots and clothing and bottles of disinfectant.

BeefTalk: Have a Plan to Manage Cowherd Subgroups

The point and challenge is that beef producers need to have a plan. In other words, it is the process of slowly changing stocking rates to reflect the changing plant communities in response to changing moisture supplies.

Cows Calves
BeefTalk: Nice Weather for Calving is Priority One

Every nice spring brings the comment: “Wish I could calve all my cows now.” Of course, those springs that bring cold weather and extensive snow and slush bring more negative comments about early calving.

Using Your Holidays to Make Money: Converting to a Controlled Breeding Season

A holiday break makes a good time to tighten up your calving season with controlled breeding.

Beeftalk: Can Profitable Beef Operations Go Broke?

The market price of a calf minus the direct expenses of producing that calf often is stated as profit. However, that calculation is far from any indication of the financial status of a beef operation.

Telling Month for Cattle Ranchers

The month of March signals two seemingly very different events, basketball playoffs and for many ranchers, the peak of calving season.

Drones a Possibility for Heat Detection, and More

Heat detecting with a drone may not be the stuff of science fiction.

Plan For Drought When Preparing Pasture Lease

Drought can play havoc on pasture leases.

Shortening the Calving Season

What is the best way to move a year-round calving herd to a defined calving season?

2015 Heifer Synchronization Protocols

With calving underway, next year's calf crop may be the last thing cattle producers are thinking about, but according to Robin Salverson, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist, it's never too late.

BeefTalk: Got the Calving Book Handy?

A calving book is a book that allows producers to write down the tag number they put in the calf to record the date of birth as close as possible.

Time of Feeding Influences Time of Calving

Time of day of feeding is the variable most easily changed by management.

New Profit Centers for Your Cattle Operation

Additional profit centers can be a means to generate extra income.

Calving Season Tips

Tips for having a successful calving season.

BeefTalk: Buy Wisely and Spend Thriftily

The first and greatest cost is maintaining the cow inventory.

Pre-Calving Prep

Get ready for calving season.

Was Your Cow-Calf Business Profitable This Year?

What did it cost you to produce a calf this year? What will it cost you in 2015?

Mud Pulls Down Cattle Performance

While rain is a welcomed sight, it often leads to rain and poor cattle performance.

Three Big Challenges Managers Face

People management is one of the most difficult parts of the business.

Buying Late Bred Cows and Their Potential for Additional Revenue

Buying someones late bred cull cows could be a potential profit center for you.

Now is a Great Time to Conduct a BCS on the Cowherd

Have you done taken a look at your cows' body condition scores lately?

Cow Depreciation – A Hidden Significant Non-Cash Expense for Cow-Calf Producers

Aggressively identifying ways to reduce depreciation expense should be a goal for cow-calf producers.

BeefTalk: Cull Deep Enough to Find Those Freeloaders

Cows that do not produce are just one notch above those cows that are open.

Choosing Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Rainfall Index (PRF-RI) Insurance Coverage

November 15, 2014 is the deadline to purchase or change coverage for the 2015 calendar year.

Cattle Producers Prepare for Winter

Are your cattle ready for the winter?

Evaluating Cattle Feeding Sites Vital to Producers

Choosing the right feeding site could pay dividends.

BeefTalk: It’s Time to Buy That New Recliner

This is the time to make good on that long-promised opportunity to do something for the family and ranch help.

Determining Replacement Rates for Your Herd

How many replacement heifers should you keep and how many cows should you cull?

Managing the Herd When Pasture is Limited

Tips for cow-calf management in confinement situations.

BeefTalk: Age and Weight Are Cow Herd Dynamics

The cow herd averages 5.6 years of age. Does this mean that all the cows should be managed as 5-year-old cows?

Beef Cow Culling; an Opportunity

With beef prices at all-time highs culling cows can be a profit center.

A Different Age of Management

Employees want to know why.